Over the past few years concerts and tickets have changed dramatically. Originally a fan would purchase a standard ticket to the show, and that would be it. If the fan wanted to be at the front then they would queue for hours to guarantee it, however a lot of this has changed now. The majority of concerts today, although not all of them, have different levels of tickets. These may range from a standard seated/standing tickets, all the way up to VIP - which may include a 'meet and greet' with the artist. While people may argue that the increased opportunities for fans to get closer to their favourite artist is a good thing, those who may not be able to afford it might disagree.
Having purchased a small number of VIP tickets over the years, I can see why people want them, for example my VIP package for The Wanted. This included going to their soundcheck, meet and greet, a special VIP merchandise set and seats at the front, This is one of my favourite concert experiences because of how special it felt to be treated a bit differently to everyone. However, because this was one of my only VIP experiences it makes the memory of it more special, whereas if I had VIP tickets to every concert I went to the excitement wouldn't be there anymore, instead it would be an expectation, which I don't agree with. I see many people of Twitter panicking when tickets come out to make sure that they get VIP, and I personally believe that this is taking away the whole experience of seeing your favourite artist live, and also creates a pressure for other people trying to get tickets, as they are made to feel like 'bad fans' for not getting VIP. People should be excited to get tickets at all, not moaning about what types of tickets they are. There are many people out there who would give anything to go to their favourite singer's concert, but with the increased price of concert tickets not many people can actually afford to go. Therefore it makes me quite angry when I see people saying, 'if the tickets aren't VIP it's not worth it', when there's people out there who would love the chance to even go to the show. I think that VIP packages have not only ruined concerts, but also fanbases, because a hierarchy is created within it. People that have the money to meet their favourite artist constantly end up having more followers on Twitter, and seem to deem themselves as more important than those who haven't been fortunate enough. Therefore, although I do think that when you have VIP tickets the experience is absolutely incredible, once people start to get complacent and expect to have VIP tickets, thats when the fun of it is taken away, I was curious to know what other people felt about this topic, so I ran a Twitter poll and also asked some people what they thought. 57% of the people who voted on the poll said that VIP concert packages are a good thing, while 43% said they're not. The results were a lot closer than I thought they would be, showing how split people are on this subject, I also got a mixed response when I asked people their opinions too. One person said, "If its reasonable then its fine, for example The Vamps cost £150, but if its unreasonable like £1500 for a selfie, then it's not worth it". This shows how price can really influence the opinions of people who might be interested in buying a VIP package, as even though someone may be able to afford it, it depends what the VIP package is offering. Something similar was also said by someone saying, "They should be a reasonable price and not a ridiculous price that makes the celebrity practically untouchable, aka Justin Bieber with his £1300 meet and greets." Again showing how if the package is somewhat affordable then its worth it. Someone else had a similar idea to me when they said, "VIP packages are good and if fans can afford them that's fine, but I hate it when some rich people who aren't really fans just want to meet someone famous get the tickets." I personally believe that to remove this problem, maybe VIP packages shouldn't be on offer? This eliminates the chance of people feeling inadequate for not being able to meet their favourite celebrity. Of course there is no right or wrong answer to this question, but it is interesting to see the varying views that people have in regard to this debate!
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January 2020